Hiding ones tears


Hammâd bin Zayd said,

“Ayyûb was such that a hadîth would be narrated to him, which would soften his heart and cause his eyes to shed tears. So when a tear would come to him, he would wipe his nose saying, ‘What a severe cold!’ He would show that he had a cold in order to hide his crying.

Musnad Ibn ‘l-Ja`d (1246), Siyâr ‘l-A`lâm an-Nubalâ’ (6/20).


Al-Hasan ‘l-Basrî said,

“A man would be sitting in a gathering, and tears would come to his eyes. He would try to hold them in, but if he felt that he would be unable to, he would stand and leave.”

Al-Zuhd by Imâm Ahmad (262).


Muhamamd bin Wâsi` said,

“A man would cry for 20 years, while his wife would not know.”

Hilyat ‘Al-Awliyâ’ (2/347).


And he ( Muhamamd bin Wâsi`) also said,

“I came across men; one of them, his head would be on the same pillow as his wife’s head; and what is under his cheek would become soaked with his tears, whilst his wife would be unaware. And I came across men; one of them would stand in the first row (in prayer), his tears would be flowing down his cheeks, and the person standing next to him would be unaware.”
